Running & Fitness

Fun in the Sun: The Best Exercises To Do in the Summer

Matt Orlando
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Summer is finally here, and everyone’s dying to get outside after spending a year indoors. If you and the family need to shed the dreaded “quarantine fifteen,” read about the best exercises to do in the summer. Instead of sitting around and binging Netflix, try staying active in the summer heat.


Working out in the sweltering summer heat doesn’t sound particularly appealing. But you and the kids can engage in certain activities to stay cool and burn calories. Consider checking out your community’s rules about the pool. Perhaps you can reserve a time for you and the family to swim a few laps and have fun in the process. Splashing around will help you burn calories, and you can create family memories that’ll last a lifetime.

Electric Bikes

For those who don’t like to swim or don’t know how, electric bikes can help you stay fit this summer. Electric bikes are different than traditional bicycles in that they feature a motor, so you don’t have to work as hard to get far. But that doesn’t mean your legs and core muscles won’t feel the burn. The motion of peddling and pushing against the mechanisms can still help you break a sweat. Not to mention, your coordination will improve after riding on an electric bike—it takes great balance to stay upright. You’ll get in some good exercise, and the family will have a blast taking turns riding the bike this summer.


Many people put their running shoes in the closet during the summertime due to the heat. However, it’s much easier to run in the summer than in the winter. In the winter, the cold air impacts your lungs and makes it harder for you to breathe. Think about running a few miles during the summer to get in an additional workout. Parents having a hard time convincing their kids to go for a sprint can make a competition out of it. The person with the fastest time of the day should get to choose dinner that evening.

These are the best exercises to do in the summer as a family. If you’re lucky enough to have access to a pool, take advantage of it. Other options include getting an electric bike and making a competition out of running, so no one stays stuck on the couch all summer long. After all, we’ve all spent enough time inside.