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How to Keep Things Stress Free at Home

Matt Orlando
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Whether you’re adjusting to life with a newborn, or caring for a toddler or teen, the parenting territory can certainly come with additional stress. Especially in today’s world, with remote learning and working from home, stress can easily creep its way into your daily life. Making sure you take some time to help keep stress at a minimum is key. Luckily, there are plenty of things we as parents can do to keep our homes stress free.

Spend Quality Time With Family

When children are in the picture, you and your spouse are a team, and the best way to start limiting your stress is to spend quality time with your spouse one on one or with your kids. Spending time with your family and doing activities that everyone can enjoy is an easy way to get back to the basics of what makes you calm and happy. Family time can be as simple as Friday night game nights–or as adventurous as family vacations. Some studies found that many families only enjoy as little as 30 minutes of family time each day. While even this small amount can lead them to be less stressed and more fulfilled, having more time set aside can increase the effects significantly.

Unplug from Technology

Unplugging from social media, and your phone in general, can encourage you to focus directly on spending that time with your family. This can also help you take your mind off of outside stressors. One of the main sources of stress for families comes from the outside world. For many, social media can lead to the fear of missing out on what your other friends are doing. Disconnecting from your smartphone, tablets, and even the television can not only help limit your stress but is also linked to other health benefits, both physical and mental.

Map Out Your Expenses

Financial difficulties can be the cause of significant stress on your home and family life. Learning to use tools to map out your expenses and get your finances under control is one of the best places to start boosting your financial health. The first step is to ensure that you have a way to organize your finances. This can be as simple as using an excel budgeting template, or as advanced as using online budgeting software. The next step is to make sure that you have a separate spending and savings account. Some spending accounts can even let you get your paycheck up to two days early. Having early access to your paychecks can ensure that you are paying your bills on time, and can give you more time to organize your expenses before making any purchases. Whether you’re planning a vacation or a birthday party, this process can significantly reduce money-related stress, giving you more flexibility with the cash you work hard to earn throughout the year.

Find Other Parents to Connect With

As a parent, it is imperative to build connections with other parents. Finding a group that you can lean on when times get tough is important. As many say, “it takes a village” and it is important to know who your core group of supporters is. Having friends that are also parents can come in handy, especially when you want some time out of the house. Being able to surround yourself with people that have similar experiences as you will allow you to grow and become a better parent yourself. An added bonus is that your kids may make lifelong connections with your friend’s children!

Being a parent can often come with extra stress and the feeling of being overwhelmed. Make sure to prioritize unplugging, spending quality time with your family, and limiting outside stressors. By finding time to do the things that bring you personal joy can make being a parent one the most fulfilling things you can do in life.