Inspiration & Motivation

Looking Back, Moving Forward

Matt Orlando
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Believe it or not, today is the 2 year anniversary of TheRunnerDad.

Two whole years. It seems to have gone by so quickly yet at the same time so slowly. A lot of life has been lived in the past two years. Many miles have been run. Many smiles have been worn and many tears have been shed. Seasons eased from one to another, sunrises and sunsets marking the passing of the days gone by.

It all started one day while out for a run shortly after my son was born. It was a reawakening of sorts after a long period off from running. I can still remember how that run felt…the pain of being out of shape but the joy of being back on the road. It was on that run that I developed my mantra and decided to start this blog to share my thoughts as a new parent and a reborn runner.

It has been a journey…and that is what it is all about, right? I have had ups along the way where I felt like blogging was what I wanted to do with my life. I saw opportunities opening and things falling into place. Every up has its down, however, and I saw those same opportunities close up and struggled with my feelings on keeping the blog alive. All the while I kept running, kept living life and experiencing new things as a father and husband, all the while having an ongoing struggle with that I want out of my life and career and the opportunities that have, and have not, been presented to me.

Typically in a post like this I would link back to some of the highlights over the past two years, but I will trust that either you have been a faithful follower and have shared in my ups and downs, or you are new to the blog and eager to explore on your own. I do admit that my posts have been few and far between these past few months, and in full disclosure it has been a direct result of an internal struggle of whether to keep going on. It is a difficult decision to leave behind something that has been so wonderful, has brought such joy, and has introduced me to over 6,000 of my followers on Twitter. So while I try to work out in what direction I want to take the blog, I have been trying my best to stay connected to you all and still provide you with some inspiration and valuable resources.

With a new baby on the way in November, my life is about to get another shake up. Perhaps it will be just the thing I need to get reinvigorated about blogging. With two boys to watch over, who knows what funny stories and chaotic moments are ahead of me, ones that could inspire me to share along the way. The only thing I can promise is that I will continue to try my best to keep my priorities in order: God, my wife, my family, and then everything else. Life gets crazy sometimes, so one can only try their best to keep things in order.

Thank you to everyone who reads this blog, who follows me on Twitter, and who has come along for the ride. You all make it worth it. I hope that even after two years I am able to make your day a bit brighter and provide you with valuable information on running, parenting, and beyond. And if you do not have a personal relationship with Christ, why not check out this page and find out how it could change your life.

Remember this: Find The Reason. Find the courage. Find the Strength.